Originally Posted By: DonM
I would not use a single Bose Compact if I were using a stereo sound source, such as an arranger keyboard. It's not designed for that, and the arrangers are designed to be heard in stereo. Some do, but again, they are compromising their sound, in my opinion. (Sorry Gary). smile
The Compacts are also not designed to carry a full band. They Bose premise was for EACH player to have his own sound source.
It's important to optimize the sound system you use for the venue you are playing. If I ever play a really large venue again, I'll use two big Bose L1s and subs. Probably never will though. It's been seven years since I played something that large, a July 4 civic celebration at an open air park in Arkansas. Even though I sold both my big systems, neither is being used regularly and I can borrow them any time I need them. That was a stipulation of the sales.
If what you use is getting the job done, and it pleases you and your audience, by all means go for it! There are lots of great choices.

BIG DITTO !! cool2