The Player is still there - but you dont have access to dual panel controls and sliders. Just a single rotary control.

Although the DJ section is not there (at least I have not seen it) you have Jukebox. This shows you your song library, adding X-fade allows you to play one track, then whilst its playing select another and the instrument cross fades for you (instead of manually doing it with sliders). This works realy well so I dont realy think its a backward step for an arranger module.

The plus size is the module is so small - the smallest arranger Ketron have ever made.

Although the SD40 presale is over - we are still guaranteeing against price drops. So if we are able to lower the price further during the month, buyers will get a refund of the difference. It already happened as we dropped the price from £1549 to £1459 inline with other internet sellers.

Edited by Tonewheeldude (08/04/16 06:57 AM)