If you make it too 'tech-heavy', those buyers who simply want to 'sit down and play' (and that makes up the majority of 'home players' who, in turn, make up the majority of Arranger players) will reject it. If you over-simplify it, everyone else will reject it. The point is; you will NEVER, EVER, please everybody, or even ALMOST everybody. Another thing, what you are suggesting would mean the end of creativity. If you create the 'perfect' arranger (or anything else), then that's the end of the line for that item; no future upgrades, no further technological advances......after all, you can't improve on perfection...right? And, as someone already pointed out, what would be the incentive for a manufacturer to produce one? One and done, not a great marketing plan (unless they plan to become just a 'parts' company smile ).

Of course, this is good for a quick Saturday afternoon excursion into 'what if' land. Oh, one other thing. Since the essence of an arranger keyboard is it's styles, and everyone had access to the same ones (in our perfect one-keyboard world), wouldn't there be an awful lot of music sounding an awful lot alike? I'm guessing a lot more people would be dusting off that old acoustic piano or guitar.

BTW, there already IS a perfect arranger for everybody; it's called YOUR BRAIN. You just have to figure out which 'buttons' to push, which 'sliders' to slide, and which knobs to twist.

Just another opinion.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]