In reality, added features will not likely increase sales worldwide. Keep in mind that on average, players, both home and pro, use less than 10 pecent of the onboard features. By and large, players, in general, want to turn the keyboard on, touch something with a known song title, which automatically does pretty much everything. Players, both home and pro, really could care less about learning the entire operating system, let alone programming styles and right hand voices. Hell, most folks are totally confused by something as technologically simple as creating a registration. Many years ago, I wrote a very detailed, step by step set of instructions about registrations, but the questions continue to come to my email on a daily basis about that very subject.

The basis of an arranger keyboard is all about styles - the more there are and the more diverse there are, onboard, the happier the consumer. On the PSR Tutorial site, the most requested item is specific styles for specific songs. Fortunately, there are individuals on that site that are very, very adept at creating or modifying styles from scratch that provide thousands upon thousands of Yamaha styles that are very song specific, thus there are lots of happy campers there, particularly on the styles segment of that forum. Ironically, there is usually a great style already in your keyboard that will fit just about any song written and performed. As Chas said, all you need to do is use your mind to make it all come together. All of the other components are already there, at your fingertips.

Gary cool
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)