Originally Posted By bruno123
Donny thank you, that was fast.

My UnrealBook is already loaded with my songs, so I will have to go through how to connect to iPad and Pa4x and how to enter the midi numbers for each song.

No complaining here but after watching the video 2 times I found that I was beginning to stutter. (smile)

John C.

John, I've been a long time fan of unReal book and have used it the last 4 or 5 years. But when this Pro12 came along for the bargain price and larger size I was sold on it.

To make the transfer what I did was upload all my unReal book files to Google drive, just for having a Gmail account you get 15 gigs of storage space. My 2000 lead sheets take up under 10 gigs of that free space. Once I uploaded all my lead sheets I was then able to import them to the Pro12 tablet. What's surprising is how painless it was to set up the Pro12 with the MusicSheets Pro and the PA series arranger. Tony will attest to that once I showed him he took notes and has been moving right along getting his tablet loaded with lead sheets.