Went up to the boat today, the wind was howling from the west at about 35 to 45 MPH, temperature was only 54 degrees, so I turned around and drove home. On the national news, there was a story about Glenn Campbell's health issues, which made me instantly think of this John Denver song.
The very first time I heard this song I fell in love with it. Not one I performed regularly, mainly because it was not a dance tune. However, the song tells such a beautiful story, one that portrays John Denver's love to his wife. The reason it reminded me of Glenn Campbell is both have incredible, caring, relationships with their wives.
According to the news story, Glenn Campbell's wife is currently providing much of his nursing care at this time, which when dealing with Alzheimers, is a 24/7 job. Unfortunately, Campbell is slowly succumbing to Alzheimers Disease and has not picked up a guitar in a couple years, but according to his wife, he still sings along with some of his songs when he hears them. Here's my rendition of
Sunshine On My Shoulder performed and recorded directly to the PSR-S950.