The new OS has improved the midi-to-style function! It takes only a few seconds to convert and save a style automatically from a midi file, and they seem to come out even better than before. The ones I've tried sound very good with no tweaking, but if you change the drums and/or style sounds from GM to Factory they sound even better. It automatically makes Keysets (OTS), intros, endings and in some cases solos!
The new German Piano and Italian Pianos sound great, even though I didn't have a problem with the old ones.
There's a lot to digest in the update, but so far it's all been good.
Someone found a small bug sequence player. It seems if you have two songs loaded, play the first one, then immediately play the second one, the lyrics display doesn't change to the new lyrics. Korg has acknowledged it and said it will be corrected soon. It doesn't affect me anyway as I have never used both players back to back.
I even fooled around a little with the KAOSS feature. It is really easy to use, and I MIGHT use it for arpeggios occasionally, but probably not much. I can see it would be great for some of the new music though.