Here's my 2 the next week or 2 I will head to Frankieve's store to try for myself. If I like what I hear and enjoy it, I'll probably buy one but it won't be until spring of 2018 mainly because we'll be in Florida this winter and it's a lot easier to transport the s970, no sense of getting a Genos and having it sit idle in the north while I'm in the south. No one is right and no one is wrong about the Genos we have our own opinions about it. I think DNJ says it best "enjoy what you play."
I respect what others think about it, but others won't be playing it, it will be me if I decide to blow mortgage money on a Genos. I think Ricky Nelson said it best in "Garden Party," "You can't please everyone so ya got to please yourself." With all that written I may even decide I don't need or want a Genos..............but until I play it I'll never know.