Hi John I try again to update but no luck
I done exacly what the procedure is
I format my 2gig sdcar from the 2600 I did not put a name on the sdcard
I unzip the update that you send me to the sdcard and after
I install in the slot of the kn2600
I press panel memorey 1234 at the sametime and press the power
buttom==Blank blue screen.
John do you think that the software should be KN24PRG.EXE
Because the update for the kn2400 is .EXE in a floppy disk
The software 1.1 on the procedure is to have a sdcard 8mb to
64mb,but me I have only a 2gig sdcard
Thanks very much
ketron Audya76,Technics KN7000,monitors Adam tv8, Yamaha Mixer