Hi again, Don, Donnie, Gary & Mike:

I took a look at a video of the setup for Harmony M unit and immediately noticed it appears to be for MIDI use only. Is this a misconception on my part? I don't use MIDI ever with my Yamaha PSR-S910 Arranger. I record into a Boss Digital Recorder, then edit the WAV file by sending it to my PC and use WavePad to make minor tweaks, then convert the WAV file to MP3. (I keep both file types for my library and catalogue.)

If you are using it as you perform... does this mean your system is setup using MIDI only... or can Harmony M be used with a plain vanilla setup for recording as long as I use MIDI connectors on the MIC and the Helicon Unit? (For the record... I never perform... it ain't in my DNA!)

I know, it's hard to teach old dogs new tricks. LOL!

Thanks, Mike... for confirming I was hearing Portuguese!

Later, ----Dave (the other one)