No, that's not the one, but thank you for sharing the link. In the specific video I am referring to, they play many of the Genos styles, including the intros and endings and to my ears it sounds EXACTLY like the style demos I've heard of the Genos itself.

In any case, I find it hard to believe that the Genos sounds better than this in real life - but not having one I am not going to argue. And I've listened to a few Genos demos... What I CAN say is that in these demos I hear a VAST/MAJOR improvement over my standard S770 onboard sounds.

In my opinion a PSR 970/975 plus 60 USD software is going to give one the absolutely best value for money that can be had with any currently available arranger. In South Africa for instance the S975 cost a sixth of the price of a brand new Genos. So in this instance this upgrade makes a LOT of sense.

If I can only find a version of YEM that would work on Windows XP, I'll install some of those on my S770 and post the recordings over here for all to compare. Unfortunately I find myself in a position now where I HAVE to use 15 year old technology and I love tinkering with sounds and styles.
Make sure you'll fly forever!