I really don't think they sampled the Genos as they do acoustic pianos. That would take unbelievable amounts of time and effort. The styles play very nice. I am just guessing but I have a feeling that they took the few styles they offer and modified the sound source available in the PSR S970 or Tyros 5 and came as close as they could. The install does load a lot of voices, but the Tyros 5 and the Genos are two entirely different sound engines. I didn't like the fact that they did not complete all of the OTS assignments. There are to many styles missing voices on different variations. I feel they should have made this known before you purchase it. I think someone with more talent than me could do a lot with the expansion pack, but it is an unfinished product as far as I can tell. It is very playable but still leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe as I learn more I will think differently, one way or the other.

Edited by solomon8 (08/19/18 03:08 PM)