For anyone who is considering an E-A7, here are some pros and cons compared to my Korg PA900:

This category is about equal in my opinion. You may find some sounds you prefer on one machine over the other but in general they are comparable.

Physical Control
The E-A7 has 7 assignable switches if you can find a use for that many. The Korg has three. Neither keyboard has a dedicated foot controller available such as the Korg EC5-you will have to move up to the much more expensive PA4X for that. The E-A7 does have centrally located sliders which is a big plus. Both keyboards have an assignable knob, but Roland has no data wheel.

The Korg wins here with a 7-inch touch screen that makes things like naming files and reading lyrics much easier. Some folks do like the dual screen setup on the Roland which does allow for having separate areas of the OS visible at the same time.

Roland fell down here in a big way by not allowing more than 100 User Programs (as Roland refers to them). You can have multiple lists of 100 but it is not as flexible as Korg’s Songbook. However, it is easier to save listings on the Roland-just hit the “write” button. The process is more complicated on Korg but also allows detailed searches.

The Korg is better-the Roland has a somewhat “cheap” feel and the keys are slightly shorter. It should be mentioned that the Roland is lighter and easy to haul.

Mic and Harmony
Roland has no harmony-big minus. Korg has the industry leading TC Helicon built in. I will say I thought the E-A7 preamp sounded better.

The Roland is $1299 new and much less used. The successor to the PA900-the PA1000 is $1999 which is a big difference. To be fair, you will get some additional features for that money such as MIDI to style converter and Kaoss.

In the end, the harmony and screen on the Korg won out for me.