Honestly Don? ok, I wish others would be as well here..

.....mostly all I hear is your vocals and a guitar with a weak backing,....not up to your standards at all.....
EQ and quality wise it sounds very thin unlike many of your demos and sound I am used to,....many of the style parts are not coming thru that well and weak could be a bad style for this song, etc,....
KORG arrangers are notorious to tame as you well know,.....
I think you better dust off the KORG Pa4x again you have laying there in your room and kick some butt with it buddy you never sounded better then with that model or your Ketron & Roland units for a live sound

...I hope you work things out, your audiences deserve it.
Good luck..........
call me we can always discuss it. Or I will have to come South again and give you some lessons...