At the age of 77 1/2, I, thank God, don't have any physical impairments, and still take my Audya and Pa4X out on gigs. What I have noticed is the change in mental attitude as I am getting older. I quit the rat race of jockeying for position to get jobs. I play my old jobs with friends of 20 years with the band, my weekly Karaoke I put on, one NH, and annual dinners during the season. I maintain my few gigs to have something to prepare for. It is a slower pace, but gives me a purpose other than my own enjoyment. This has given me time in my studio to explore features and new combinations I was too busy to explore.

My wife thinks I should downsize, or at least have more light weight rigs, in the event I get too old to carry the heavy stuff. Consequently, I have my SD40/SK1, Roland Lucina, and am getting back to my vArranger2, which is so improved relative to the 2010 version when I bought it.

We are all different in many respects, but what we have in common is our love of music. So it should be.
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact