There are times when you will only hear the (sometimes painful) truth from someone who actually CARES for you and is genuinely concerned for your well-being. Enablers are not always your friend. A friend is someone who, upon seeing a pattern of potentially destructive behavior, cares enough to risk a fracture in the relationship and speak up. I think Dave's observations and attempt at intervention is on point and, given the history between the two of you, well-intentioned. If you think he's off-base, then fine, thank him for his concern and move on. Sharing his feelings honestly doesn't make him less of a friend. JMO. AND, if all you want IS that 'perfect' keyboard, let me know when you find it; I'll buy one too

. Wishing you only the best.
PS: Embrace retirement; it ain't that bad once you find something to do (or learn to enjoy doing nothing)
