With all the motor show cancelations, manufactures are unveiling new vehicles online, so I expect music companies will do the same. (Italy is also in a mess at the moment with ever increasing numbers of cases)
Italy alone has made more Corona virus tests than ALL the rest of European countries lumped together. And has fielded strong countermeasures since 15 days ago. The results are coming (they are always delayed by the incubation period), with the rate of new cases **NOT** increasing at exponential rate.
If you search then you find something. The other countries are simply hiding the rubbish under the carpet.
But now the exponential law is exploding under their ass..... And their public health system is not as strong as Italy's.
But then, it was Italy that allowed for the first explosion of Corona in Europe... because they didn’t react at all in the first few days of the current tragedy...
Strange that all people that tested possitive in Holland all have been to Italy, and not to China....
Personaly the situation in Europe looks as if Italy didn’t have a good plan in the first place and allowed the virus to spread..
So there you have it, someone blaming Italy for the situation in Europe..
As allways the truth might be somewhere in the middle, but praising Italy for handling thesituation, is totally laughable