Originally Posted By Crossover
German virologists say that the statistic in Italy show that Corona must already have spread around there in January with no one noticing. There also has to be a high dark figure (number of unknown cases) as otherwise the death rate would be unusually high.
The number of undetected mild cases (which are nevertheless contagious to others) is also a problem in other countries. The virologists say it is simply impossible to carry out enough tests per day to detect all cases with minor symptoms.
What I‘m angry about is that the media and also the German board for epidemics comminicated that simple mouth nose masks are useless. NOW they begin to admit that they are useful against infection by flying drops - the main type of infection with Corona. But most people in Germany also have a stupid „stay cool“ attitude, they laugh at anyone who wears a mask, and the biggist disaster is the shortage of masks among doctors and hospitals, a consequence of cost efficiency and just-in-time delivery.

I can understand the stay cool attitude..
as despite all the deaths..
Corona is still not a very lethal virus..
Its about a factor 10 more lethal then an ordinary flue..

In general the people that die allready are considered in a weak state..
Just some numbers,

People under 50 that get the virus, 0,2% dies
People over 50, 1,2% dies
And over 65, 8% dies..

In general if you are healthy, you dont have much to worrie about, and if you get sick, it will be like a heavy case of flue..

So with these numbers, there seems not to be to much danger for most..

However, the danger is in the disease spreading esilly trough the air..
Just like the flue..

Other virusses like hiv, ebola, dengue, hepatitus, rabies, are more lethal..
But most of these dont spread that easy..

What stands out in numbers every year is the flue..
About 500.000 people die every year from the flue (worldwide)

Another ones, we have 1,35 million traffic deaths a year(again worldwide)
But everyone keeps riding their cars and bikes

So in absolute numbers there is no reason to blow things out of proportion..

Altough their personal feeling fed by the media in general tells them something else..
So according to the numbers, no reason for pannick..
But we also need to be honest, and learn from what we do in ths epidemic..
Italy needs to find out what they did wrong that allowed corona to spread fast
German virologes need to get their act straight instead of telling people the masks don’t work. They should have told them how they could make them work.

So where is the big danger of Corona, well the more people catch corona, chances raise that it corrupts/mutates itselves into something even more dangerous. And then we have a huge problem at our hands.. In general however a smart virus will nit kill its host, because if the host dies, the virus inside the host dies too..

On the other side i am also a strong believer that mother nature adapts to keep things healthy on our earth.. i guess there are currently 2 times as many people on our llovely planet them what would be healthy. History has tought us, that if we humans don’t take care of a problem, mother nature will do so for us. So for the future i think there is still something like a real plague ahead of us. And what we have learned from Corona is that we are not able to contain it well. So for the survival of the species its really important to find out what we did wrong in trying to contain Corona and learn from it.
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
