Interesting how the problems with full bands is the OTHER players, never ourselves!
Me, I can put up with a plethora of personal faults if that player can provide some magic onstage, and from time to time, push the music into something new and exciting.
I guess that perhaps the definition of ‘pro’ isn’t in whether you use an arranger or not, but whether you are completely content doing so! Sure, there are considerable financial considerations to using one, but you should never be happy about it! At least not musically…
I feel sorry for anyone that thinks they sound better with an arranger than with any real band they played with (if they ever did). They need to have played with better musicians. Real musicians may have their issues, but good ones will challenge you musically, surprise you, make you work to be better.
Can’t say an arranger has ever done that for me!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!