I believe I pointed out the fallacy of the title of the original post in my first reply to this thread…
‘Pros’ DO NOT HATE ARRANGERS. The way the thread was titled, it assumes something utterly false.
But conveniently ignores something a lot more difficult to admit. Pros don’t hate arrangers… but they may hate utterly unskilled players using them to make a living and taking jobs away from musicians that can actually play. And this attitude might easily be confused with a disdain for the type of keyboard these kinds of players use.
Perhaps we all need to ask ourselves why we even take a silly question based on something obviously wrong seriously in the first place? If I had a dollar for every time this hoary chestnut was dragged into the light of day, maybe Gary wouldn’t look down on me! It’s a perennial topic, pulled out and discussed with much hand wringing at least a couple of times a year. It’s a toxic weed that seems impossible to eradicate.
Thing is, it seems to reveal more about us than these supposed ‘pros’…. After all, we’re the ones who apparently believe it. Why would we, unless we did harbor some suspicion that they were right a little bit?! Me, I don’t believe it a bit.
But I can see the confusion. I would imagine that pros could quite easily look down on some of the players using them. But don’t worry. They would probably dislike the same player if they were playing a piano, or organ, or synthesizer or workstation. So, stop thinking it’s the type of keyboard.
It’s the player…
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!