There’s a fair bit up at Korgforums that predates the last recent update, take care to search out more recent posts…

From what I could get from the forum, most of the import problems pre-update came from people using non-Korg resources, sample import and custom styles. If your import needs are simpler, you may not encounter the problems they had.

Seems the last update cured a lot of issues with custom resources, and has been welcomed by those on the forum that create custom sample sets and styles!

But 18 MONTHS after launch is far too slow for the 5’s advanced users to get just a few fixes. There’s still a ton of stuff to fix, at this rate they might be launching the PA6X before they’re all addressed..!

The casual user and first time Korg player might not be affected so much (you don’t miss what you never used!) but the major missing features and bugs are still a huge to-do list. Let’s see if the December update arrives on time and contains many promised features.

Currently the PA5X is the only new arranger that tempts me, the real-time style morphing and combination mode is utterly groundbreaking (once the bugs are fixed) and the insert effects increase turns it into a far easier arranger to use tone/effects combinations for styles and SMF’s.

But I’m going to wait until the bug list is mostly squashed. I can wait for the PA6X if that’s what it takes! 😂🎹
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!