Originally Posted By skude

.... I don't know anything about the PA5X but it might be similar to the 4X. This is how I do it on 4X.....

Thank you Skude, by follow your steps I finally got it sorted out, and now it works at Pa5 as I like to have it.
Great!! 👍

Btw, have you got your G2 delivered?
Mine is delayed, been 'stored' at transportation terminals several days, but now it looks like it will be here tomorrow.
Anyway, still some days before Xmas Holidays, nice to have something to look forward to other than way to much food to gain more weight...😱🥕🥕🥕😁
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)