Douglas,, In the past 3 months you have only posted one, yes only one post!
While I have posted the following.
1. A way to stop the sustain pedal from sliding away while using it on carpet.
2. A virus alert when it was hitting a lot of people.
3. spyware alert and how to get rid of it, and I add that lotsa of people here had 50- 100 spyware and got rid of them which made thier pc go from bogging down to peppy again.
4. offered to share my beefed up sounds with anyone who wanted them.
5. being a guitar player for 26 years explained the structure of them on keys for people who didn't know.
6. A fun idea to do for us to enjoy.
And you didnt offer any helpful posts in these 3 months.
Maybe instead of throwing stones at people who often offer up helpful suggestions and try to share things, You should do the same yourself. Try posting something that contributes to the forum instead of sitting back and waiting for an oportunity to jump on someone who may have said something that was incorrect.
This is not the first time this has happened to me here either! And I hereby resign my membership to this place. I am all done with this kind of crap. You were the straw that broke the camels back. This post in general which got insults but no help has showed me that I am better off to just stay out of here.