The First Song just came in from Frank Bez, wouldn't you know it. Thanks Frank for getting the ball rolling.
I am getting lots of emails but NO SONGS. It isn't emails that I am going to send out, it is SONGS. Zip one up and send it over. I need about 19 more for the first floppy full. Make that 18 more, I will include one of mine.
Reply to Mike D. re Copyrights.
Phase one email exchange no problem.
Phase 2, Zip Files on my website. That is off in the future but if it was a problem we would make it original songs only.
It wouldn't be a song on there, it would be a zip file with a person's Only a Technics Keyboard could play the zip, and only after it was unzipped in the privacy of your computer. Copyright problem??? I doubt it but lets hear from the experts. We have a lawyer and also a law student here somewhere. How about it folks??