Interesting “THE HOPEFULLY A LONG LIFE” post has changed to how I use my keyboard --- different but also nice.

How a person uses the registrations and favorites depends on what am they are trying to accomplish. Not to long ago my aim was to have quick access to the next song I wanted to play, I knew that too much time between songs is a no, no, when you are playing for a group of people the time between song can be harmful. I needed to search my list of songs and go to it as quickly as possible.

My Method:
1-Fill all 13 banks with a set up.
2-I used Banks A,B, and C for Big Band setups. I used “Normal and not “Extended”
3-Bank A for a Big Band medium sound like ballads and light jazz.
4-Bank B for Strong Big Band for songs like, In the Mood and A Train.
5-Bank C for a Latin Band -- All 8 Banks were filled with Latin type of instruments.
Banks 1 through 10 were set to Expanded memory. It is here that I stored song setups. That gave me quick access to 70 to a 80 song titles and their setups. 10 Banks each having 8 memory locations. Some times I used more than one memory location for a song.

I kept banks A, B, and C the same. Instrument sounds stayed the same -- Only the registrations changed.
I load once from the SD and have the tree different bands which -- they used when I selected one style and wanted many variations in volume and instrumentation.
That left me 70 to 80 songs to choose from. I would the Bank View to scan through while I was playing a song – ready to press one button and instantly change the mood and song.
Each SD load not only included the above but they were also created for occasion and the desire of the people I was playing for. A nursing Home normally has different wants and desires than a Country Club. I use one that was created for Contemporary music. Some of the SD loads included ethnic and patriotic music.

I am no longer playing jobs so my needs have changed so the set ups I have been using are not important any longer. Now I am playing just for my own enjoyment.

John C.