Elizabeth, John and Alan, I find this very informative. You folks use your keyboards the same way that I used to use the KN5000. The KN5000 took “forever” to load from disk and I used every trick I could think of, to work with what was already in the keyboard. And, you could play for an hour or so without loading a new setup. But, there are many limitations when you work that way.

The SD card has made loading times so quick that you can access the SD card as fast as you can change panel memory banks. This lets you use as many changes in registration as you wish, including rhythms, voicing, and tempo, as you play each song. You can “flavor” the rhythm and voicing so that it is unique to the song you are playing. And, you have almost unlimited changes that you can set up for a single song. It is not just a rumba or waltz; it is designed specifically for the song you are playing. And, you have almost unlimited memory locations in which you can put those registrations.

As an example, if you use Favorite Songs with the KN7000, you have 40 banks of 9 songs that you can set up. That’s 360 song selections that you can select with each selection containing a TOTAL keyboard setup. If a song isn’t in those 360 locations you can load by SD memory location number almost as fast. So, while you are finishing a song, you can press the SD button, then the FAVORITE SONGS button and you are ready to press a single button to setup the next song when you have finished the song you are playing. You are ready to play the next song in about two seconds. It takes about five seconds if you load by number.

In addition, if you still want to play with a “bank” type setup, you can put your Big Band, or Latin, or whatever setting you would have put in a panel memory bank in a Favorite Song location and access that setup much faster than changing banks at the panel memories.

This is an interesting subject and I hope other folks will add their input re how they use the KN7000.