Originally posted by loungelyzard:
My Lord I can't believe reading about Ufo's here yesterday, and today right before sunrise I actually seen one!

We live on the East slopes of the Sierra Nevada's at about 5000 ft elv. This Am right before the sun came up I went out the back door headed for my studio, and Heard a lound transformer like humm coming from the large mountain that almost straight up behind our home. I looked up and saw what looked like a large aluminium disk hovering just this side of the peak of the mountain, I froze thinking where I could run to, when It started to slowly move up to me. It got almost above me and stopped. This thing had to be 200 ft in diameter. The humming got almost quiet, and then I heard the sound of a finger tapping on a microphone and some crackling, and then a voice in broken english booming like coming from a PA over a football field, say pardooon me butwe have big troubles with our erquac stablzr, would you happen to have coopy of winddooo's Xp. staart disc.

I answered sorry I don't, they said tank yoou.
and the disk started to rotate very slowly, as it did it had big letters that came into view that said Y A M A H A TYROS II

April 1, 2005..........Pose

I heard that the TYROS III did a way with that "transformer like humm" ... and don't be fooled by the "WE" have big troubles... Everyone knows that the TyrosII is designed for a crew of 1 being with short wing span.