"IF the planet hasn't been this warm since the 1400's, what the hell did we humans do in the 1400's to cause it then? If all of civilization went back 600 years, we'd decrease total greenhouse gass on the planet by something like 4%. So is it only our 4% that is causing all the problems, or might the other 96% that has nothing to do with humans play a part? Maybe climate change is a (gasp) "NATURAL" phenominon."

What is unprecedented is the speed of the increase in temperature. I am 45 years old, and in my very lifetime, I notice a very stark increase in temperature. The last 10 years have been the warmest on record since recording weather has begun.

I have not read any headlines about scientific articles that dispute global warming. Remember that oil companies are spending millions of dollars to create doubt about the science by paying off some scientists to dispute the current findings.

I don't think that we should experiment with our planet. When the scientists are predicting famine, crop loss, rising sea levels, mass extinctions, I think that we should be very careful about cavalier pronouncements, like "it's cold as hell here in Chicago, so there must not be global warming." Or this stuff was just is just a myth to raise taxes.

The only pertinence that this has to arranger keyboards is that it might effect my career as a musician if vast parts of Florida and other coastal waters go under water and if there are massive famines and droughts. If that stuff starts happening, then I don't think that there will be much a budget for what I do.
