Originally posted by 3351:
Hey, besides "fantasia" there were some cool sounds. Remember "Echo pan"?
Or "Ice Rain" (Although I could be mixing it up with the original SC that had MT32 sounds in a hidden bank 2/bank msb 127 as I recall.) ? I mean at the time they seemed like state of the art Xpensive sounds.
Yes I do remember those patches. And you are correct they definately were on the MT32. I really liked the drum and percussion sounds on it as well. Even though the MT32 was lofi when you look back, it had a great balance and mix when used as a multitimbral sound source. All the sounds sat well together in the mix and nothing ever seemed to overpower other sounds. I remember using other multitimbral units after the MT32 that took a lot more work to get everything to coexist comfortably in the overall mix. Roland really did a great job with the MT32 and I wish I still had it actually.