Nice surprise this week. I quit smoking a pipe several years ago, and had lot's of old pipes lying around. I found a guy via the web who buys and restores the things. I contacted him and he wanted me sto send him photos. I told him I'd just ship him the pipes and he could pay whatever he thought they were worth (the option was to throw them away). He offered to pay shipping up front, but I said I'd cover it. I shipped the pipes, some Zippo pipe lighters and a couple of old pipe racks.
In the mail a few days later was a check for $225.00. The amount didn't impress me, it was the guy's honesty! I called to thank him, had a GREAT visit, and made a new friend.
In a day when, sadly, many are trying to take advantage of others, there are some really honest people out there.
I've done business on a "handshake" with others here...DonM, Hank, George, Dave, Jerry (Mainer) and a few others. There are lots of others I'd trust on business question.
And that's reasssuring, particularly today!
It's nice to have friends you can trust!