Originally posted by captain Russ:

Also, if you have time, let me know what you think of the rough I posted a while back. I heard from Diki privately and appreciated his comments. Any comments, positive or negative would be appreciated.

Russ, this is tough for me because I don't know what your aim was with this composition. By that, I mean that I would rate it differently depending on whether you intended it as a jazz composition, jazz-fusion composition, or a commercial composition written for a specific project.

For starters, the musicianship and professionalism is obvious so we can quickly dispense with that. I can send you a list of detailed comments but I'll have to go back for a 3rd or 4th listen. Top of the head, here are some likes and dislikes.

Horns (a lot)
Solos (especially guitar, no suprise there)
Structure (conventional, but that's okay)
Chord changes (sophisticated enough for interesting solos)
Drums and Percussion (really nice groove and well suited to the tune)

'Rhodes' slightly too 'TINE-Y', as in bright or shrill, for my taste. I'd use a softer, less agressive 'Rhodes', but with the same attack.

Organ - didn't like the choice of registrations; sounded 'out of place' with the rest of the instrumentation. Organ, yes, but perhaps a lighter, more modern, resgistration (I realize that that is so subjective - it was just a gut reaction kind of thing).

I really like those horn parts; I'm partial to them anyway, as they make great 'hooks' for solos. Use them more if you plan to use this in a jazz venue. If I absolutely had to rate it:

Composition - as jazz, 7; as jazz fusion, 8-8.5; as 'commercial', probably 9.5.

Performance - 9

Recording - 8.5 (I know it hasn't been final-mixed or mastered)

Well, you asked.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]