As far as Palin bashing is concerned, IMHO it was deserved. She has no experience, no class, and was quoted in an AP article saying that we should go to war with Russia -- therefore she also has no brains.
Her nomination was an embarrassment. It would have been a joke if it wasn't so serious.
And don't forget, FOX, Limbaugh and the rest of the Republican-Propaganda-Media have been bashing Hillary for years, PLUS they have called Obama, an Athiest, a Muslim, a Marxist, a Card Carrying Communist, a Racist, a card carrying Black Panther member, and a host of other lies.
I am not for censorship, but I really wish Republican-Propaganda-Media would go away. They repeat the same lies over and over again until people actually believe them.
Remember when they told you Iraq had weapons of mass destruction aimed at our country. Anybody with half a brain and actually uses it instead of swallowing Republican-Propaganda-Media "reports" hook line and sinker would have been able to see through that. When the US was rattling it's sabers at Saddam's door, if he did have them, he would have said, "Attack me and I'll nuke you" After all, at that point he had nothing to lose. Yet the Rep-Prop-Media addicts would yell that we had to invade Iraq to get rid of those WMDs. Fact is, the invasion of Iraq was planned way before 9-11.
So the USA invaded a sovereign country (much like Hitler did in Poland), killed more people than Saddam did, financed the war on credit, and tanked the US economy in the process. We are now over 10 trillion dollars in debt - do you have any idea what the monthly interest is on that loan? After all, we taxpayers are paying that every month.
McCain said we are going to be in Iraq for 100 more years, and Palin wants us to attack Russia - (both AP news quotes).
IMHO anybody who voted for McCain after all that is either incredibly naive or was brainwashed by Republican-Propaganda-Media.
The fact is that the Republicans have been flushing the USA down the toilet for the past 8 years, and the majority of the population was simply sick of it, and decided that Obama was at minimum the lesser of the two evils presented to us.
Oh, and the gas prices came down for one reason. To help McCain in the election. After all he promised millions of dollars of tax breaks for the oil companies if elected -- and you know who would be paying for that tax break -- the low to middle class tax payer.
In light of all of the above, Obama was the logical choice and I am glad he made it.