None of Notes Norton's statements were at all divisive or hateful though. Palin has no brain, throwing Hitler's name in when commenting on Bush foreign policy. I haven't called Obama worse than communists, as Notes did about right wing radio. He castigates right wing radio for calling Obama a card carrying Communist, and then he turns around and calls them worse than the Communist threat of the 50's. He's unable to refrain from doing that which he rebukes.
I haven't twisted and mangled any Obama statements; such as Norton did with the being in Iraq for 100 years and we should go to war with Russia as soon as possible, yadda yadda. If anybody did some "unloading" just now, I'd submit it wasn't me.
So come on Chas, berate Notes Norton. Let's hear it buddy. After all, you're a fair man, right?
[This message has been edited by FAEbGBD (edited 11-07-2008).]