[QUOTE]Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
So far - the best idea I can come up with is to just put better keys and more memory in the PSR2000. (like a HD)Put the power supply INSIDE (where it belongs) and make the harmonizer work off of key presses (via midi, maybe) instead of the arranger notes. We really don't need new designs ... we need the old ones fixed !

Hope you had a great vacation.
You must have read my mind. In my opinion, the Y2K is a "Rolls Royce" without an engine.
Boy, they are so close to making one of the best KBs ever. Why is it that they always fall short on the most basic things used by "live" musicians. Like Storage, easier/simpler file saving procedures, sturdiness, OS upgrade capabilites, so on, and so on..
But let me talk about the things I love about the 2K.
1)Size and weight
2)Great Piano and strings sounds
3)Right hand Chord Harmony. Clean, tight and an incredibel amount of harmonies offered.
4)Midi implementation. (I've made my cleanest best recordings ever with this "pup".)
5)Quiet when asked to.
6)Great Soprano sax.
among others.
I wish the folks at Yamaha were more "in tune" with the "live" Performer, and instead of listening to engineers, the would listen to Us end users.
"Music should be heard, not felt. Protect your hearing"
Take a listen to some clips of my latest CD album. Thanks!