I don't want you to get a "big head", but you never cease to amaze me with your infusion of "good stuff" to this forum. Not to mention that you make reading your contributions a pleasure since you have a clever way of putting things in prospective. Did anybody ever tell you that you should be a writer as well?
Well, enough of the accolades and on to the subject at hand.
I guess we all benefited from your vacation; what a great tip! “a tip on tips”, a clever way of soliciting without being rude, sort of making it fun for people to give to the performer. Although, in my music career I never had the courage to put a “cup” for tips, I admit it’s definitely a “better way of doing it for those out there that have the nerve to do it. I just make sure I collect my tips included in my fee when I sign a contract prior to the gig. My personal opinion is that I don’t want to hinder anyone in the audience from asking for a request since some people don’t want to bother “digging” into their pockets; I know, I know, those “chipos” don’t deserve the request to be played for them any way, but if they ask for it and don’t tip, I feel at least they are interested in your performace, and that’s enough for me. Anyway, it’s a good anecdote, the one about your friend, and what he did in the absence of his partner. One of the advantage of doing a single, is that you never have to depend on anybody to do your thing to your own expectations
As for the keys on Y2K, what do I know? I’ve been only playing keyboards for 3 years. I am just glad that the damn thing has a set of keys to bang on. That’s the problem with you “professionals”, you are too “demanding” and hard to please. Bliss is great! We just don’t know any better.
Glad to have you back!

[This message has been edited by Mario (edited 07-23-2002).]
"Music should be heard, not felt. Protect your hearing"
Take a listen to some clips of my latest CD album. Thanks!