My 2 cents:

1)Kate didn't do nearly as badly as described
by the judges. There is sort of a hypocracy
there, where the judges want an original
take on a song, yet critique it as not as
good as the original rendition. It wasn't a perfect performance, but I liked it; and think she has the pipes and talent to sing
aggressive, as well as, mellow balads.

2)Paula's judging lately is over-reacting to all of her past criticism for being too nice. Perhaps it's the rehab.

3)The friction between Simon and Seacrest is
really getting ugly and tiresome.

4)Chris and Kate are my favorites to win.

5)The Pickler, who has been playing the role of the perfect "dumb blonde", is probably
going home next. I think she will still make
a great country singer, and cute actress(too bad the show, DOC, has been cancelled).