Originally posted by cgiles:
.....or, maybe the majority of Kelly's fan base don't yet own phones. Actually, I'm ashamed to have said that. Disappointed in you too, Tony. What's the point of making that kind of statement. All it does is stir up crap. They both seem to be very nice young ladies, regardless of race. One is more likable, the other a better singer (though not THE best). Since it's a singing contest, couldn't we just assume that America voted along those lines.

WHOA !!! FIRST, LET ME APOLOGIZE TO ANYONE I MAY HAVE INSULTED... I guess I should have figured I would be misinterpreted by that statement ... I CERTAINLY DID NOT mean to imply anything RACIST !!! ... I have spent approximately two - thirds of my life being brought up and living in NYC, so I am very comfortable with diversity ... to me being a racist is a HATEFUL thing ... but leaning towards one's own nationality or ethnic background is a pretty common trait ... let me admit, that if there are two people of equal abilities (which I think Kellie and Paris may be), and one is of Italian heritage, and the other is not, I most likely will lean towards the Italian ... REMEMBER, I SAID IF BOTH PEOPLE HAD EQUAL ABILITIES ... ... that is ALL I had in mind when I made the statement ...
t. cool