Alrighty.., here are my initial thoughts on the Yamaha NP-30. I've been bangin on it for the last hour. First let me address an issue with MusiciansFriend. Them not telling my wife they're delaying the shipping was bad enough. Well it arrives today via UPS "luckily in one piece!" The box (which is odd) had no damage at all.
Well I'm all excited seeing the box isn't damaged, and can't wait to rip it open. So I open the box and do the usual.. **keyboard in good shape not broken missing keys or buttons ect..CHECK, manual and music rest in box.. CHECK, (all is looking good so far), next.., adapter--WTF! They forgot to ship the adapter

So now I find myself ripping batteries out of remotes, and my daughters toys just to test the thing and make sure it works

I called MusiciansFriend (dreaded the call.., as they are a pain in the ass to deal with). The adapter is supposed to be included. This however varies by where you live as well. Here in the USA the adapters are supposed to be included with the unit. Well MusiciansFriend somehow ordered a good number of them (that DO NOT include the adapter in the box). The guy blamed it on Yamaha, and I said no, it's MusiciansFriend's fault for ordering the wrong bloody units, and clearly they ordered the wrong damn units as the box it ships in even says "adapter not included"--they of course have to honor their advertising of "included adapter" It's posted on their website, in the catalog, and sales reps say it's included. If it wasn't included it would be listed under optional accessories--which they do not have it listed. Long story short, now I gotta wait till next week to get it--that's IF they don't delay the shipping of this small and minute item due to their wharehouse moving. Anywho, I got batteries in the thing so here are my thoughts.
Key Action: I'm going to start with the key action as this is a BIG advertised feature of the NP-30. I LOVE THE ACTION!!! For me that action is PERFECT. It's got a semi-weighted feel, and YES those keys ARE graded! You can feel the difference. THESE KEYS ARE NOT THE SAME KEYBED ON THE DGX AND YPG MODELS. There is clearly more resistance on the lower register and it gets lighter as you go up the keys. It's not a typical weighted action either. However, it responds well to playing. I was testing it with fast runs of some classical songs, and boy did it feel nice. So in a nutshell.., I LOVE THE ACTION. It works for me.., but doesn't mean it will work for everyone else.
COSMETICS: A very beautiful and sleek digital piano. It's not little either. This puppy is 49 inches long! BUT and a big BUT.., this freakin thing is LIGHT! The weight of the keyboard and box together for shipping was 21 pounds. Geez that's light for a digital (with speakers) and 76 graded keys! The piano weighs in at a very easy to carry 12 pounds. Yamaha even put a nice burgundy (not sure I spelled that right) strip of felt at the back of the keys that give it more of a piano look. Overall it's a very attractive looking digital.
SPEAKERS: These speakers ARE NOT quiet. I turned the volume up a good ways (mind you I'm using batteries too.., so the output will be less), and that NP-30 belted out some serious sound that I didn't expect. My daughter didn't waste anytime saying "Daddy turn it down". The guy who reviewed this model for MusiciansFriend was right. DO NOT STAND overtop of this digital to play it. The speakers on this are designed so that the "sweet spot" is directed at the player "while seated". I noticed a difference between the sound when standing and sitting.
SOUNDS: Well there's just a few sounds on the unit--10 I think. The first sound "Grand Piano 1" is freakin beautiful. That piano IMO does sound like the piano on the Yamah P series of digital pianos. It has a very nice warm sound when played softly and pops with brightness when you play with more passion. The second piano is also nice. It's a little brighter.
The EP's (2) of them.. They're typical Yamaha EP's They sound very good too. The first one sounds like the Yamaha Galaxy EP, and the second favors a rhodes. Both also respond to velocity switching

Organs..., I ain't gonna use em PERIOD. Don't rely on this unit for organ sounds. There's two of them, one sounds like a reed organ, and the other is your classic pipe or church organ.
Harpsichords.., they sound very nice. Again there's two of them. Both have a good sound, and the second one is correct in that there is no "velocity sens." to it--likes it's supposed to be
Strings.., well there's one string voice. This is NOT a solo voice by any means. The string voice on this units sole purpose IMO would be for dual voice piano/strings
Vibes., ahhh they're nice, but nothing to really get your drawers in a bunch over. Sound like typical Yammie vibes, and would favor well with some jazzy tunes.
There are some other good feature about this model that you DO NOT really see from looking at it. There are many functions done through holding a button, and pressing a key on the keybed. Way more functions than I expected it to have too. There are several reverb types with adjustable reverb depth. When using dual, you can set the octave and balance of each voice. There are several touch response settings. The metronome has multiple time sigs and you can adjust the volume blah blah blah, even goes into some good midi settings.
Overall this is one hell of a nice digital for less than $300. I'm shocked Yammie put a price tag of less than $300 on this thing. Judging by the sounds, and available options on this model (especially when you taking into consideration the entirely new keybed design) I would have expected Yamaha to put a tag on this puppy of at least $499
In conclusion WELL WORTH EVERY PENNY SPENT! When that freakin adapter gets here I'll be midi'd up and ready to go. **dumbasses**
Oh almost forgot.. I now have to buy a new sustain pedal. I have an older Yamaha (cheapo) sustain pedal that shipped in the survival pack of my old PSR-550. This pedal doesn't seem to do a polarity reverse. The NP-30 will allow you to reverse a pedals polarity--if the pedal has the capability.
If you can..., check one of these babies out. For those of you looking for a good set of keys to add to an existing keyboard. I think you'd like this model... It makes the keys on Yammies typical PSR models look..., well I won't go into that to avoid any hurt feelings

[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 08-09-2007).]