DonM: MANY Thanks for sharing the 9000 'Lounge Piano' style. Great brushes. I used it on Misty at my happy hour gig tonight and it really put the folks in a romantic mood with the rain lightly hitting the window along with the cozy warm fireplace going. BTW, the PSR9000 'Midnight Swing' is great too. I deleted the piano accomp part (chord2) though, cause I play in all the piano stuff myself. I increased the tempo to 120 and it's now the PERFECT style for 'Fever', finger snaps and all. I also don't use the style's intros and endings as I prefer to play my own. I also created and stored custom instrument (voice) setups for this style in OTS. The cool thing is that OTS settings are stored within the style itself, so that way you can later load the style from floppy and won't need to load a separate registration file because all the customized settings are now built into the style along with instrument setups (OTS 1-4). BTW, before you can edit/change a style along with OTS settings, you need to first store the original style in PSR2000 USER Memory. After editing and re-saving the style to USER memory, then you can re-save this newly created style to floppy disk.
I know you guys may think this is crazy, but I think the Yamaha brand name on the keyboard seems to impress a some in the audience. I guess because Yamaha is well known for their acoustic grands too. I don't know if you knew this, but I actually had to cover up the Technics name on my KN5000 with my own logo name because some club owner thought it wasn't impressive enough for his la de da club. Go Figure !
Joe: Thanks for your excellent explanation of the many ways you can configure the PSR2000 for song/file organization. I think I've worked out a good system that works for me. I store the bulk on my songs which use the internal styles, in the Music Finder. I store customized edited styles (along with OTS settings) on floppy because they load so quickly and don't require registration memory files either. I also created a few Registration Memory 'Instrument Setups' (1-8): one for each specific genre of music: Jazz Lounge, Pop/Rock, Country, etc. I also created a separate folder for registrations dedicated to a 'specific' song. I think once you decide on and then follow an organized approach, it just makes it a lot easier now to let your creative juices flow and start MAKING MUSIC ! Hey, that's what this is all about, right?
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 11-29-2001).]