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#101192 - 11/05/04 07:05 PM PSR 3000 Performance Assistance function....
mdorantes Offline
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Registered: 11/25/00
Posts: 1211
Loc: Queretaro, Mexico
I don't know if any of the PSR3000/1500 / owners have notice that the Performance Assistance works really nice, it works when you playback a midi file as long as is made in a Tyros, PSR3000 and does NOT work with any other Midi files....ONLY those I mention.
Playing the midi file with the melody.....( Performance Assistanse ON)...the keyboard adopts inmediatly the scales of the changing chords in use while can select to beguin a different sound than the melody, and you can strike ANY key and it will embellish the song playing.
This feature is for those that want to interact with a midi file that perhaps is or to difficult or simply, do not know that song.....and that way will not be WRONG notes.
I hope you enjoy it.


#101193 - 11/05/04 08:24 PM Re: PSR 3000 Performance Assistance function....
Scottyee Offline
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Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Manuel, though I understand how this features will assist less than adequate keyboard players in giving the audience the impression (albeit false) that they're more skilled players than they really are, I find this kind of shortcut adds yet another 'nail in the coffin' to whatever respect & appreciation TRULY skilled musicians get. This performance assistance feature only cheapens music performance to the level of pressing buttons & keys (and ANY to boot)

Ok,some here suggest that music is all about entertainment. I can't DISAGREE more. Though entertainment is a factor, to me, music is a an expressive art form. Luckily, my audiences still want to hear ME actually sing & play the keyboard LIVE. Is musical performance in some circles now turning into just some kind of grand illusion of flash, glitz and smoke & mirrors? There IS a difference between a karaoke singer, DJ, and a 100% live performance musician. I just hope general audiences still appreciate the difference 5 years from now. This biz is looking more and more about JUST PRETENDING to be actually playing (creating) music with little or no keyboard musicianship required.

Manuel, my aplogies for ranting, but this one really hit me hard. Also, please be assured that my attack was not at you whatsoever, but at the direction that music keyboard performance seems to be heading. The Yamaha Performance Assistance feature in my opinion is really a double edged sword.

Perhaps I've just over-reacted. Anyway, it'll be interesting to get some perspective from others on this.


#101194 - 11/05/04 09:25 PM Re: PSR 3000 Performance Assistance function....
travlin'easy Offline
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Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Originally posted by Scottyee:
Manuel, though I understand how this features will assist less than adequate keyboard players in giving the audience the impression (albeit false) that they're more skilled players than they really are, I find this kind of shortcut adds yet another 'nail in the coffin' to whatever respect & appreciation TRULY skilled musicians get. This performance assistance feature only cheapens music performance to the level of pressing buttons & keys (and ANY to boot)

Ok,some here suggest that music is all about entertainment. I can't DISAGREE more. Though entertainment is a factor, to me, music is a an expressive art form. Luckily, my audiences still want to hear ME actually sing & play the keyboard LIVE. Is musical performance in some circles now turning into just some kind of grand illusion of flash, glitz and smoke & mirrors? There IS a difference between a karaoke singer, DJ, and a 100% live performance musician. I just hope general audiences still appreciate the difference 5 years from now. This biz is looking more and more about JUST PRETENDING to be actually playing (creating) music with little or no keyboard musicianship required.

Scott, I could not dissagree more. It's show biz. Granted, your audiences may have come to see and hear you perform, but most of all, they want to be entertained. And, anything that enhances that entertainment is just another tool in the entertainment toolbox of OMB entertainers. That enhancement device is nothing more and nothing less. It's not faking anything--it's just another tool, the same as the keyboard, it's internal styles, it's magnificant voices, mega-voices, layers, etc...--they're all tools that should be used to their fullest extent. Anyone that does not use these, and any of the other fantastic, technoligal advancements now availbe to OMB performers is cheating not only themselves, but their audiences as well.

Manuel, my aplogies for ranting, but this one really hit me hard. Also, please be assured that my attack was not at you whatsoever, but at the direction that music keyboard performance seems to be heading. The Yamaha Performance Assistance feature in my opinion is really a double edged sword.

Perhaps I've just over-reacted. Anyway, it'll be interesting to get some perspective from others on this.


Three decades ago I played a lead guitar with a drum machine, a mixer, and a lousy PA system. I was considered a maverick because I chose to utilize a drum machine and not use a drummer who couln't stay sober enough to keep time. And whan that first keyboard became availale, one that was not much more than a drum machine with a piano, it changed the entertainment business dramatically. Today's arranger keyboards are beyond anything this old man could have imagined way back then. They've come a long, long way, and as time goes on, they will ultimately advance. These advancements do not detract from one's musical ability, but instead, they enhance it by providing musicians with tools that unleash their creative juices and allow them to freely flow. I have always wished I had the talent and ability to master complex chords, read music, and perform songs that written by the masters. Unfortunately, that never happened. Instead, I have become an entertainer--not a musician. Though I would like to be both, this is not the case. Therefore, I like many of my fellow entertainers, will continue to utilize tools such as internal style files, internal voices, midi files and yes, even the performance assistant--anything that keeps the audiences entertained. That's why they came to see and hear me.


PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)

#101195 - 11/05/04 10:13 PM Re: PSR 3000 Performance Assistance function....
mdorantes Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 11/25/00
Posts: 1211
Loc: Queretaro, Mexico
Hello again:

I do not even own a PSR 3000...and also, because I work in a music store and many of the customers we have, mostly enjoying their retirement, ( do not intent to learn seriuosly or have the time)....and want just to have fun......
I play profesionaly, and I start it playing ( long ago), with the Hammonds like the B3, X66 ALL automatics, so you have to develop your playing skills, and I also remember that I had like 20 drummers in a time frame of almost 2 years...because either could not stay sober...,be on, I start using the "Rhytm Units...
If I am not mistaken, a feature in the Technics KN 6500 and up....( I think), it makes up a solo for wherever style you maybe playing too....
I understand Scotts concern......I just got a kick out of it, and wanted to share that.
I also see Gary's point.


#101196 - 11/06/04 06:57 AM Re: PSR 3000 Performance Assistance function....
Scottyee Offline
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Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Originally posted by travlin'easy:
I have become an entertainer--not a musician.Therefore, I will continue to utilize tools such as internal style files, internal voices, midi files and yes, even the performance assistant--anything that keeps the audiences entertained.

Gary, the difference between the performance assist feature and the other features you mention is that with 'performance assist', you're actually pressing ANY key(s) to give the audience the false impression that you're actually playing the correct notes on the keyboard. Utilizing the other features (internal styles and midi files) in a supportive role is NOT the same thing, as they generally aren't used to give the audience the impression you're acutally playing 'those' parts.

Though I understand the advantage of performance assist for the home keyboard player (oops, I meant to say: home entertainer) to impress (albeit deceive) their friends, the 'performance assist' feature merely lowers keyboard musicianship to the level of a lip syncing singer. Both are, simply put: outright FRAUD and DECEPTION. If you can't sing . . . then don't. If you can't play a complicated solo on the keyboard then don't. Play a simpler rendition of it instead. If you can't play or sing, but still want to be an entertainer, perhaps consider becoming a stand up comedian instead.

It's challenging enough ALREADY for professional arranger keyboardists to convince some in the audience that we're actually 100% PLAYING the keyboard, and now with the public's growing knowledge of 'performance assist' type features, will only become that much more difficult.

All this does is perpetuate the notion that ANYBODY can be a keyboard star now, and that keyboard musicianship skills are no longer required, just the guts to get up in front of an audience and be a so called entertainer. A real depressing thought for musicians. Anyone else have anything to add?


#101197 - 11/06/04 07:15 AM Re: PSR 3000 Performance Assistance function....
Uncle Dave Offline
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Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
Those are some strong words from someone making a living using preset styles, automatic bass lines and rhythms.

C'mon .... admit it - we ALL use automation to serve us. We are not really playing totaly live anymore. We're adding live parts, but face the truth - we're slaves to the machines. It's a cold, hard truth.

The fact that some us us can still play acoustic piano, guitar, sax etc. is great for what it is, but in the OMB setting - we are directing, organizing, singing, entertaining, accompaning, soloing ...... we wear SO many hats.

It's just not fair to say that you are a totaly live player when you use these arrangers. Own up to the reality of the situation, and embrace the advantages.
We are in a new wave of metamophasis in our musicianship. The auto-stuff adds sizzle to our skils, but at the same time .... I'm sure it reduces some facility too. Sometimes I wish I still played manual bass all night long. I was better at it a few years ago. I love the work opportunities, but I don't prefer the actual work since arrangers came along.
I am always trying to feature MY hands during a night. I shut off the auto stuff and just bang away. It's good for my soul and it's good for the crowd too. Some places actually respond much better when I go solo. The only advantage to the machine for me, is in a dance situation.

I think we're more than just a step up from lip syncing, but it's definetely not fair to say it's 100% live either.

[This message has been edited by Uncle Dave (edited 11-06-2004).]
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#101198 - 11/06/04 08:04 AM Re: PSR 3000 Performance Assistance function....
travlin'easy Offline
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Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA

Until last evening, I had never touched the performance assistant button. And, when I play using a midi file, it's me playing--not a fake job. That's not my point. From the standpoint of using device to enhance a song, this is a neat tool that can be used ONLY WITH SONGS CREATED ON THE 1,500, 3.000 and TYROS. In other words, that song is the creation of the performer to begin with. And, if that song is just the bare basics, and that person wishes to provide his audience with a rich, full sound of a string backing, then he or she can play it with or without the Performance Assistant.

One of my favorite songs is from Disney, When You Wish Upon A Star. Sit down in front of your Tyros, don't turn on any accompaniament, select the grand piano and play the song. Though it will sound just fine, no one is going to get all teary-eyed over the performance.

Next, turn on the accompaniament, select Movie Ballad, tempo of 80. Select the 2nd or 3rd intro, first variation, perform the song, stepping through the variations and layering strings with the grand piano, plus a left-hand layer of strings or gospel. When you get to the end of the song, hit the third ending. There will not be a dry eye in the house!

The keyboard just provided you with all the tools to take a song that sounded OK on a piano to an incredible production that was performed live. Granted, there are folks who think the keyboard did it all and you just sat there and pushed a few buttons. Who gives a damned what they thought as long as they were entertained, spelled your name correctly on the check and put in the right dollar amount.

From your responses, you seem to be upset that these features even exist. Keep in mind, however, that if they did not exist, none of us would be able to make a decent living in the entertainment industry. We would be back to the days when the paychecks were split with five to six others, thereby not providing enough income to keep the car running let alone support our families. the tools on todays arranger keyboards are just that, tools. They make us, the OMB performers, sound fantastic. That's why our audiences continue to hire us, year after year.

PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)

#101199 - 11/06/04 09:24 AM Re: PSR 3000 Performance Assistance function....
MrEd Offline

Registered: 09/30/04
Posts: 519

The technical musicianship side would be more important at instrument-playing judging contests, and concerts where everyone is sitting in chairs doing nothing more than listening to a performance.

If you are playing a venue to bring listening and dancing enjoyment to the crowd, I would use whatever is at my disposal to add variety, change flavor and allow me to stretch out into a less comfortable playing style that I may not regularly practice or build upon. If the crowd is happy, you are a success, the good news spreads by word of mouth and the establishment will want you back too.

But, if you find that the percentage of time you need to be 'faking it' is increasing, I'd recommend to start building up the chops.


#101200 - 11/06/04 10:08 AM Re: PSR 3000 Performance Assistance function....
Scottyee Offline
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Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Originally posted by travlin'easy:
From your responses, you seem to be upset that these features even exist.

Gary & Uncle Dave: If you guys re-read my replies, my beef was specifically about the 'performance assist' feature which allows you to play ANY note(s) on the keyboard and appear like you're playing all the right notes (within the scale).

I DON'T equate the other arranger keyboard tools (midi files, auto accomp arranger styles) in this SAME category, as they aren't (typically) used as a tool for deception, but instead, merely to enhance your live 'main event' performance: keyboard playing and/or singing. On the other hand, during the INSTRUMENTAL SOLO, the 'main event' is what is heard during the solo. To fool the audience into thinking you're actually playing the correct notes is wrong to me. Lip syncing & pretend keyboard playing for the sake of entertainment is one thing, but to do this at the expense of musicianship is not only deameaning to keyboard musicians, but further gives the general listening audience the impression that music performance is as easy as turning on a radio or CD player now.

This leads to the depressing possibility, that audiences may NO LONGER appreciate or care about musicianship, or people who actually CAN PLAY the keyboard anymore. I only hope this isn't true. Am I alone here with this perspective or what?

- Scott

#101201 - 11/06/04 12:03 PM Re: PSR 3000 Performance Assistance function....
ByRequest Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 11/21/03
Posts: 26
Loc: Cullman, AL USA

I have heard your music and your voice and you are without question extremely talented. I read many of your post and your command of music and music theory is in the league of professional teachers at the college level. In such company I should remain silent and keep my hands away from the ivories.

Anyone that knows just a little about music will see these things in you as you perform.
Those that don’t know anything about music just won’t care how the music is made.

All they know is that when you do “Ring of Fire” they are listening to their own emotions as they feel the music. You may think you are a OMB but in reality everyone you connect with in the audience is playing along with you. You do the music that brings on the emotions and they bring their own feelings that allow them to play along beside you.

You do get the credit. They just don’t know how you do it nor are they going to worry about it.

They are living in the moment of your performance. Not the road you took to get there and not the “how did he do that syndrome” But in the here and now of the song they are “feeling”. That’s entertainment!!!

I am learning to listen to the voice(s) of experience on this forum and to actually learn from them.

True story: This guy who was a Jerry Lee Lewis impersonator was on stage with his keyboard and within the first 3 seconds it was so obvious that the ALL the keys were muted.

My first thought; this guy is dead in the water. The keyboard was turned so that you could get the full view of his hands (Jerry Lee Lewis style). What I failed to realize is that only a musician who has spent years of study would even care.

This guy looked the part. He really sang the songs and sounded excellent. He had the
moves and mannerisms down perfect. He was an entertainer and did his job well.

He interacted with the crowd and made them laugh; he allowed them into his world
and they became part of it for the next hour or so.

And what a crowd he was entertaining! They loved him. Nobody cared if he was playing the keyboard or not. They wanted to be entertained. They cared about forgetting the hard week they had and the problems they faced in the real world. This guy often them a harmless escape and he got paid well for his efforts.

I know this may be an extreme example but when I hear Mr. Diamond say that it
is about “entertainment”; I have learned to listen.


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