Hello everybody!
I wanted to share that my twin brother and I have released two brand new compositions, which are now featured on our website at:
http://www.webquad.com/ph We worked extremely hard on the compositions and put our entire heart and soul into them. We dream of composing movie music someday together and we feel that we have a gift that will reach out to those who will listen. So, please listen to our new audio demos and tell us what you think.
Many of you from this forum have requested longer audio demos that would display our talents. Therefore, since we were going to do so anyway, we featured two new audio demos on our website! Here is the information about the audio demos:
First Audio Demo Information:
Composition Title: Officers of Valor Indian Imprints
Composer: Ryan S. Thomas
Excerpt about Composition: Officers of Valor Indian Imprints. (Ryan S. Thomas) An inspirational, fast-paced piece with a unique sound composed by Ryan Thomas. Ryan Thomas brings inspiration directly to listeners' hearts as this composition excels to reach the instruments’ full potential: the instrumentation in the composition displays true uniqueness, as strings, sweet flute, timpani, and more combine in one huge performance to create an incredible music piece. Officers of Valor Indian Imprints will fill your heart with joy and grab your attention because of its unique, never-heard-before quality.
Second Audio Demo Information:
Composition Title: Officers of Valor Allegiance
Composer: Robert P. Thomas
Excerpt about Composition: Officers of Valor Allegiance. (Robert P. Thomas) Representing allegiance and bravery, this song displays both an inspirational sound as well as the eerie depths of war. Combining the unique flute, strings, and trumpet, “Officers of Valor Allegiance” displays a variety of instrumental flavors, adding depth, detail, and inspiration to the song. While the trumpet represents the allegiance, other instruments, such as the rhythmic drums, display tension and action. In all, this composition will bring listeners into various worlds while enjoying one central focus: allegiance.
Again, please tell us what you think about our music! Simply go to our website at
http://www.webquad.com/ph and click on "Music".
We truly hope that you enjoy our music and, if you are interested, please contact me at: composerryan@webquad.com
Thanks in advance for listening to our music and I am looking forward to hearing your comments,
Ryan S. Thomas