The c300's will carry the bass better, and the highs are smoother too. The high end dispersion is better on the Mackie as well.
The EV's do a great job, but are just a step behind the mackie for overall "smoothness". Of course, this is just my opinion, but I have a pretty good sense of hearing, because I have always pampered myself with excellent monitors. My high end recognition is not compromised like so many of my friends that played too loud most of their lives. I never was a "loud" fan, so I used sub woofers to get the "kick" from a system. I've been using crossovers and bi-amping for almost 30 years, and it really has payed off.
If your decision has ANYthing to do with size - then the EV's are going to get more attractive to you. They are smaller, and better balanced to carry.
At moderate volumes, they will both handle the music quite well, but if you plan to push them ..... I'd suggest the Mackies.
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