Originally posted by brickboo:
I tried to ad some reverb in Cakewalk it was way too much and then I couldn't figure out how to get it back to where it was.
Just use the 'undo' feature in your sequencer prog to take the reverb (or any applied effect) off that you did not like. As long as you have not saved the cut in between you can 'apply' and 'undo' as many effects as you like until you get a cut you are happy with.
With a bit of perseverence I'm sure you will get the hang of it in the end. I'm no expert by any means but have learned to do what I need to just using a sequencer and the pc. The experts might say I'm doing it all wrong but as long as we are happy with the end result it does not really matter how we do it
I take it from your posts that you are mixing midi with audio? Why not just do the whole lot in audio to save sync probs? Just run the line out of your keyboard to the pc and let the keyboard play the sequence. Record it in audio on your pc sequencer. Then do another audio track for your sax but obviously this time with your mic connected up instead of the keyboard.
Like all this music stuff we do, half the fun is the learning bit ... followed by the buzz when we can finally do something we could not do last week.
Best wishes