Hi Jerry,
1: First go to your mixing console. make sure
that volume is highlited. If not push back until it is highlited. push the "E" button,
Push the button at mixing console until the menue comes up for setting your style volume along with any thing else that needs the volume set here.
2: Now push the mixing console button again until the menu to set the level of each Inst.
in the style is showing. Now you can adjust them.
I've tried to guide you in this so for & and I know there's people on this forum could explain this better than I!
My name is Nobby if you will move down the page a short distance, you will see a posting
I made called: "Got A 2000 Pain"
Beakybirds (Larry) answer tells you all you need to know to save all I've just told you how to set,and a lot more! It's something worth printing an saveing for later use.
Have fun & good luck,
[This message has been edited by Nobby (edited 01-21-2002).]