Originally posted by RobertG:
they no longer had the balls to play a T2.
Wow, Robert, what a unique of playing your T2.
Playing arpeggios must be really nutty.

Chords probably wouldn't be that difficult as long as you kept the voicing to just two nu....,er.....notes.

Jerry Lee Lewis licks would definitely require the application of an ice pack immediately following your performance.

One possible benefit...after several months of playing, your voice will go up at least an octave.
The "Nutcracker Suite" would take on a whole new meaning...
Being a 3k user, I think I'll continue to play the old fashioned way...with my hands...less dramatic, perhaps, but certainly a lot more comfortable. 
I wish you further successes (and free ice packs) with your future performances.
Remember to leave good news alone.