Deja Vu, my friend...
I've been down this exact road with a handful of Jewish accounts I have...Here's how I've handled it...
Retirement Community programs are usually 45-60 minutes in length. not that long to program without any German Music...I do NOT play any Polkas whatsoever...My song list is big enough, (as yours probably is, too) to easily avoid the style entirely...
I do pull a few extra Gershwin tunes out for these type gigs...they ALWAYS go over great as very few of my peers in the Dayton area have any idea who he was or how in the world to play his stuff. The audience seems to feel the brothers Gershwin are the creme de le creme of songwriters...
If you're looking for that kind of festive, party type a good hoedown type country piece...

I will also say that often the "vibe" I feel in my Jewish accounts seems unique. Not better, certainly not worse...just consistently different from any other places I perform. I may be way off base, but my gut tells me this type of client and their audience holds much of the classic American Songbook content in higher regard than many of my other accounts.
I could theorize perhaps, that in the typical Jewish home that my audience grew up in, an environment existed that held the work of Gershwin, Porter, Kern and yes, even Berlin in a different light-almost a reverent one-For many, maybe these composers' "hits of the day" were the first exposure first-hand to Amercian Songwriters...with many immagrants...perhaps their work struck a special chord or resonated with them above others...
I could only wish that ALL my accounts had the knowledge of American Popular Song that my Jewish clients posess...
Good luck-
Bill in Dayton