Hello Alex,
It might be that the members owning the G70 are enjoying the G70 so much that they don't have time to write .
Anyway I had to pick up a kevlar case which I ordered for my VR-760 at the importer (for the dutchies "Muziekcentrum Oostendorp, Wezep) and my eyes saw a G70 standing in the shop, so allthough I was in a hurry ofcourse
I could not resist a short try out. (15 min)
So it's just a First impression;
Great touch screen, incredible easy to find your way, chrystal clear viewable as well.
Drawbars worked fine allthough felt less responsive as on the VR-760, but that might be because they are ergonomicly on another place. (needs an in depth try out)
Sounds I did demo were excellent and a major
upgrade in comparison with the G series.
(hammond's, piano's, saxophones)
I only used a couple of styles and sounds due to the time shortage I had.
The styles I did demo sounded a lot like the VA series but a bit more dynamic. (less thinner indeed)
(My personal opinion is that Yamaha and Roland allways add a bit too much echo/delay on factory sounds and styles, so I usually edit that a bit to my own taste and you know how good or bad the sound "really" is!)
The buttons for start/fill ins etc.. are on the wright place.
I could find everything I looked for in a few seconds, which is very promising.
The keyboard feel was as expected TOP!
So my first impression was very good and absolutely positive.
Bear in mind I like Roland Sounds, and also have a very long time positive experience with Roland gear , which never failed (knock wood)which makes me a Roland Fan.
Also the looks of the G70 are very professional, in other words looks great in case this might be of some importance.
I won't have much time the coming month's but if I have a chance I try to demo in depth, with the risk I buy the board