The Oasys is a great sounding synthesizer but I don't feel its a workstation studio as Korg markets it. I seriously doubt the factory Demos of the Oasys (not Jordan Rudess playing the Oasys), were done completely within the unit using the internal sequencer and hard disk recorder.
I own an Oasys and love the sounds but the sequencer and audio recorder are an absolute joke. For nearly $8K the Oasys at a minimum should have software that's equivalent to Cubase and it doesn't even come close. My old Sequential Studio 440 from the 1980s has a better sequencer than the Oasys. There is no microscope editing, no DAW style editing, no cue list, to name but a few lacking features. I'm not sure how other Oasys owners utilize the sequencer or audio recorder but I'm seriously disappointed with those features.
The other problem is limited track count. What good are hundreds of great voices to record with yet only 16 tracks to record to? I'm not sure who at Korg decided that 16 tracks was OK, especially on such a high end instrument. Having to sub mix to achieve the sound I am used too is simply stupid and it limits the quality of my work. Get a clue Korg and give me more audio and sequencer tracks in a future OS update!
As a synthesizer... the sound, control surface, real time KARMA functions, and features of the Oasys are hard to beat. The GUI still isn't as functional as it could be but perhaps Korg is going to have some significant improvements in future upgrades?
Is the Oasys worth the money? In my opinion, as a workstation, I don't think so... as a full featured synthesizer, perhaps. It all depends on how much you love synthesis (the Oasys' strong point). Yes, you could put together a computer running multiple VST's that would have similar sounds and functions, but the Oasys' GUI is quite well laid out and no computer running VST's comes close. The Wersi Abacus is the only keyboard I know of that has a similar GUI and multiple synthesis features. Unlike the Oasys, the Wersi is a full fledged workstation, synthesizer, arranger, and studio. Korg should seriously look at the Wersi and incorporate its features into the Oasys.
[This message has been edited by Ensnareyou (edited 12-09-2006).]