chas ... since you 'opened the door' ...
and let me preface by saying I think I am one of the LEAST contoversial guys on this board - too old and wise for that stuff
... and I am saying this in a non-combative, non-sarcastic, non-contoversial tone, but rather in a gentle conversational manner...
I was just going to say that John was painting a picture with words as to what he saw through his mind's eye ... The fact that the fellow was Black was part of that picture ... nothing more ... nor did it bring anything to MY mind other than the scene he was describing...
Now, I realize that you can say I cannot relate, because I am not a person of color (is it ok to use that phrase - I am not being facetious, but I just do not know what is acceptable these days), however, as an American of proud Italian heritage, I did not take offense when rbmusic posted his "song for gumbas" ... perhaps an "opportunity to re-educate (in a positive way)" was missed on that thread ...
I sincerely hope you do not take offense to anything John or I have said ... And I think I can speak for John in saying that there was absolutely no mal-intent on either of our parts ...
and Peace to you as well...