Hi all,
Is there a site that has info and specs of arrangers, expanders, synths and so on?
Harmony central's user reviews database has info on many items, but sometimes the submitters do not comment much on specs etc. Do I miss something?
Asking here, is always helpful but I don't want to tire everyone here asking about things I may realise I don't need.
A site with specs may help me narrow down things and then ask here for the specifics and get reviews from people I trust.
For example, I can get a Yamaha MU100 or an sc55 or 88 or 88 pro tone generator for reletively little money, so what the hell an MU 100R is?
ok, it's a rack module but does it have anything better than the MU 100? and what about the newer Roland SD? too many questions for a forum
Any help on such sites appreciated.
Thanks in advance
any sites